The government on Thursday officially handed over Air India to the Tata group. The strategic disinvestment transaction of Air India successfully concluded today with the transfer of 100 per cent shares of Air India to Talace Pvt Ltd along with management control. EFFECTIVE DISINVESTMENT OF AIR INDIA Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said it is indeed noteworthy that the disinvestment process …
The Union government is planning the initial public offering of Life Insurance Corp. of India Ltd in the March quarter, a top government official said. “We are working very hard for the LIC IPO,” said Tuhin Kanta Pandey, secretary of the Department of Investment and Public Asset Management. DIPAM has appointed 10 merchant bankers, including Goldman Sachs Securities, Citigroup Global …
New Delhi: The DIPAM has raised objections to the list prepared by Niti Aayog for monetising assets of CPSEs, saying the stipulated procedure, including consultation with administrative ministries and other government departments, should be followed before finalising such lists. Following this, the DIPAM wrote to Niti Aayog saying that the government think tank should follow the procedure and mechanism for …