Samsung has slashed the prices of some of its newest Galaxy A smartphones in India by up to Rs 1,500. The phones include the Galaxy A30, Galaxy A20 and Galaxy A10 that were launched in the country earlier this year. Samsung says the latest Galaxy A phones have been extremely successful in India, selling over 2 million units valued at …
The renders do not show a fingerprint reader and suggest that the A10 might rely only on face unlock. Samsung Galaxy A50 and A30 were unveiled at the 2019 Mobile World Congress, but the Galaxy A10 remained out of sight. Now a couple of leaked renders have surfaced online which claim to show the Galaxy A10 model with a protective …
Samsung Galaxy A10, Galaxy A20 and Galaxy A30 are rumoured to come in the first quarter of 2019. The Galaxy A10, Galaxy A20 and Galaxy A30 are rumoured to come in the first quarter of 2019 whereas the A50 might come in the second quarter of 2019. Samsung Galaxy A10 Specifications The Galaxy A10 is said to come in a …