The Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing has summoned BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover and his wife Madhuri Jain for questioning in connection with an alleged Rs 81-crore fraud at the fintech unicorn, police sources said on Friday. The EOW filed an FIR against Mr Grover, Madhuri Jain and their family members Deepak Gupta, Suresh Jain and Shwetank Jain in May in …
Ashneer Grover, the founder of BharatPe, who took a “voluntary leave of absence” until the end of March after the abusive phone call controversy, is now again caught in the eye of the storm as allegations of financial fraud as surfaced against his wife and brother-in-law. According to the investigation, Madhuri Jain, the wife of BharatPe founder Ashneer Grover, received …
The reality TV show Shark Tank India is trending all over the internet. A version of the popular American business reality show, Shark Tank India provides an opportunity to entrepreneurs with interesting business ideas, business prototypes or active businesses that will be evaluated by experienced investors and business experts. Marriage and children Ashneer married Madhuri Jain Grover in 2006 and …