The Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing has summoned BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover and his wife Madhuri Jain for questioning in connection with an alleged Rs 81-crore fraud at the fintech unicorn, police sources said on Friday. The EOW filed an FIR against Mr Grover, Madhuri Jain and their family members Deepak Gupta, Suresh Jain and Shwetank Jain in May in …
A Delhi court on Tuesday granted the Delhi Police four more days of custody of fact-checking website Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair, a day after he was arrested for his “objectionable tweet” in 2018. The court also dismissed the precedent cited by Mr. Zubair’s counsel to contest the charge under Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code, saying they “are …