Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s wife Gursharan Kaur will continue to be guarded by the Central Reserve Police Force under Z-plus category, sources said on Tuesday. Earlier, a row erupted over a memorial for the former prime minister, with the Congress demanding that Singh's last rites be performed at a place where a memorial could be built later. In 2019, …
Manmohan Singh was cremated at Delhi's Nigam Bodh ghat on Saturday, in the presence of President Droupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several other dignitaries. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with former prime minister Manmohan Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur and daughters Daman Singh and Upinder Singh. Manmohan Singh's daughters Upinder Singh, his eldest daughter, is a renowned historian and the …
US President Joe Biden has expressed deep condolences following the death of former Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, according to a White House statement released on December 28. Manmohan Singh Death News LIVE The statement read, “Jill and I join the people of India in grieving the loss of former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.During this difficult time, we …
New Delhi: Dr. Manmohan Singh, the fourteenth Prime Minister of India who led the Congress-led UPA government for two terms, died on Thursday after a brief illness. In this August 23, 2019 file photo, Manmohan Singh signs after taking oath as a member of the Rajya Sabha, in the presence of his wife Gursharan Kaur and Congress leader Sonia Gandhi …