Manmohan Singh was cremated at Delhi's Nigam Bodh ghat on Saturday, in the presence of President Droupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several other dignitaries. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with former prime minister Manmohan Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur and daughters Daman Singh and Upinder Singh. Manmohan Singh's daughters Upinder Singh, his eldest daughter, is a renowned historian and the …
An incense stick quickly fills up the space with a rich, invigorating fragrance that is pleasing and comforting at the same time. Last year in July, we started a 250-seater restaurant in Whitefield with the focus entirely on food,” says Upinder adding that Kashmiri families numbering over 600 from the neighbourhood alone thronged the place. That’s our philosophy.” “Coonoor is …
“All my Books in Nos. One of my Servants is going to Jabalpur by tonight’s train for bread and meat.” From Camp Sleemanbad, December 8, 1876 These two snippets are among the various bits of news — both professional and personal — that form part of Alexander Cunningham’s letters to his assistant J.D.M. 190 letters Historian Upinder Singh has carefully …