Harak Singh Rawat, who was expelled from the Bharatiya Janata Party on January 16, said on Tuesday that he is ready to apologise to former Uttarakhand chief minister Harish Rawat, the chief election strategist of the Congress party for the assembly polls to be held on February 14. Harak Singh Rawat was one of the nine Congress lawmakers who rebelled …
Harak Singh Rawat And Pushkar Dhami Meeting: The political stir in Uttarakhand has calmed down. On one hand, Congress convinced Harish Rawat, and on the other hand, BJP managed to resolve Harak Singh Rawat's resentment. Amid the speculations of resignation, Harak Singh Rawat underwent a change of heart and met CM Pushkar Singh Dhami on Saturday evening. Harak Singh Rawat …