Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath does not want disputed structures to be tagged as mosques. Hum jis din masjid bolna bandh kar denge, uss din log jaana bhi bandh kar denge.” Adityanath's comments came on Friday while speaking at an event hosted by a news channel in Prayagraj. The chief minister spoke about the temple-mosque disputes on a day …
The Uttar Pradesh Police’s ‘Anti-Terrorism Branch’ has apprehended another ISIS terrorist from Durg, Chhattisgarh. Pune ISIS module and Delhi Riots connection – ISIS terrorist Arshad Warsi and Sharjeel Imam On 3rd October, NIA arrested three Jihadis connected to the ISIS Pune terror module. Wouldn’t you?” Connection between Wajihuddin Ali Khan and Arshad Warsi – both arrested for being ISIS terrorists …