Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath does not want disputed structures to be tagged as mosques. Hum jis din masjid bolna bandh kar denge, uss din log jaana bhi bandh kar denge.” Adityanath's comments came on Friday while speaking at an event hosted by a news channel in Prayagraj. The chief minister spoke about the temple-mosque disputes on a day …
On June 18, the team of Adipurush decided to make “alterations” to the film’s dialogues after the dialogues of Hanuman received backlash for sounding overly colloquial, offending the audience. “Tu andar kaise ghusa… tu jaanta bhi hai kaun hoon main” has been changed to “Tum andar kaise ghuse… tum jaante bhi ho kaun hoon main.” 2. “Kapda tere baap ka… …
England all-rounder Ben Stokes' recent "showed no intent" statement regarding former Indian skipper MS Dhoni's approach during the India's chse to 338 against England in World Cup 2019 group-stage tie, has created quite a stir, especially in Pakistan.A few veteran cricketers from Pakistan reckoned that the defeat was a deliberate act by the Indian team in a bid to jeopardise …
Amitabh Bachchan will donate Rs 5 lakh each to the families of the Central Reserve Police Force jawans who were martyred in the Pulwama terror attack. "Yes, Mr Bachchan will be giving Rs 5 lakh to each of the martyrs' families and is currently finding out the correct process to do so," his spokesperson confirmed to the agency. "Bharat ki …