Actor Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan's recently-released film JugJugg Jeeyo opened in theatres to warm responses. One look of Kiara, in particular, is creating quite a buzz, and it is her bright red bridal lehenga from the wedding sequence. Loved Kiara Advani's breathtaking red bridal lehenga choli from JugJugg Jeeyo? Kiara's bright red bridal ensemble features a red raw silk …
It has been a week since Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan’s movie JugJugg Jeeyo hit the theatres. Also starring Neetu Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Maniesh Paul and Prajakta Koli in prominent roles, the romantic comedy boasts of some steal-worthy wedding fashion moments as well. From Kiara’s dreamy lehengas and sarees to an array of stylish kurta sets rocked by Anil Kapoor …