Pyaar Hai celebrates its 25th anniversary on January 14, actor Hrithik Roshan reflected on his journey in Bollywood. Speaking at an event, Roshan, who debuted with the film, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the media, crediting them for shaping his growth as an actor and individual over the last two and a half decades. I remember 25 years back when Kaho …
Hrithik Roshan-starrer Kaho Naa. On January 10, Hrithik's 51st birthday, the film will be re-released at PVR INOX cinemas, allowing fans to relive the magic of this unforgettable romance on the big screen. Pyaar Hai marked the debut of Hrithik Roshan and Amisha Patel. Pyaar Hai catapulted Hrithik Roshan to stardom when it was first released on January 14, 2000. …
The Greek God of the Bollywood industry i.e. Hrithik's debut film 'Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai' is going to hit the theatres again after 25 years. 'Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai' will be re-released The film 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai' was released on January 14 in the year 2000. The producer-director of the film, Rakesh Roshan, has re-produced the print of 'Kaho …