Months after exiting The Kapil Sharma Show, comedian Krushna Abhishek has finally returned to the show. In a clip shared on Wednesday, the show's host Kapil Sharma told Krushna, "Sapna tu agayi, sach mein bada accha lag raha hai." Krushna Abhishek returned to The Kapil Sharma Show. Looking at Rajiv Thakur, who plays the role of Raju in the show, …
Krushna Abhishek poked fun at his long-running feud with his uncle Govinda on Saturday’s episode of The Kapil Sharma Show. Krushna Abhishek and his wife Kashmera Shah are in the middle of a feud with Govinda and his wife Sunita Ahuja. Woh alag baat hai aaj kal main family mein nahi hoon,” Krushna quipped, taking a dig at his fight …
Actor Kashmera Shah has reacted to Govinda's wife Sunita Ahuja's recent comments about her and Krushna Abhishek. Their family feud was fired up again after Krushna refused to be part of an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, in which Govinda and his wife Sunita Ahuja were invited as guest. Kashmera earlier said the feud began when Govinda and Sunita …
Comedian-actor Krushna Abhishek has claimed that his sister and Bigg Boss 13 contestant Arti Singh did not face any rape attempt and she may have said such things in flow. Bigg Boss 13: Krushna Abhishek has supported sister Arti Singh throughout her journey on the show. Fir uska koi ata pata nahi tha, police ne bhi dhundne ki koshish ki..” …