Krushna Abhishek took to his Instagram handle on Thursday and shared a throwback video in which he was seen appearing on the talk show, ‘Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai’ with his ‘mama’ Govinda. The Kapil Sharma Show fame thanked his uncle by saying, “Mere lie mama ne mannat na maangi hoti to mai aaj yaha khada hi nahi hota.” Following …
Making the impossible possible, Maniesh Paul earlier hosted Krushna Abhishek on his podcast which unfolded in the public apology to his uncle Govinda for the first time in decades. Opening up about the same for the first-ever on a public platform, Krushna Abhishek bared his soul expressing his love for Govinda in the last episode of Maniesh Paul’s podcast. Piquing …
Actor-couple Kashmera Shah and Krushna Abhishek were spotted in Mumbai with their sons on Saturday. The paparazzi asked them about their feud with Krushna's uncle, actor Govinda, when Kashmera took a new dig at his wife, Sunita Ahuja. Krushna recently refused to be part of an episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, in which Govinda and Sunita were supposed to …
Popular comedian Kapil Sharma is ruling the headlines ever since he bounced back on the small screen with his ‘The Kapil Sharma Show Season 2’. Undoubtedly, fans were excited to watch Kapil Sharm back in form, rumours have it that the popular comedian is taking out huge pay cut for every weekend’s episode. The second season of The Kapil Sharma …