Actor Kashmera Shah, the wife of comedian Krushna Abhishek, who is Govinda's nephew on Tuesday arrived at CritCare Hospital in Mumbai to meet the actor and Shiv Sena leader. Actor Govinda, Krushna Abhishek {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} Soon after the video of Shah entering the hospital surfaced online, netizens started speculating why Krushna wasn't accompanying her. {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} …
Bigg Boss 16 finale is just a few days away, and we have got our top five finalists too. MC Stan, Shiv Thakare, Priyanka Chahar, Archana Gautam and Shalin Bhanot reached the finale, making it to the top five. In the February 7 episode of the show, Krushna Abhishek entered the house dressed up as 'nakli Jaggu dada'. The celebrities …