Actor-comedian Krushna Abhishek has denied rumours of any rivalry between him and Kapil Sharma. Both are currently parts of latter's The Kapil Sharma Show but were On The Kapil Sharma Show, Kapil plays multiple characters such as Sapna, and versions of Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra and others. It’s been almost four years that we are on the show and it’s still …
Archana Puran Singh has shared a behind-the-scene video from Rani Mukerji's episode when the actor had to take a break from the shoot to control her laughter as well as her tears. Rani Mukerji was in tears after laughing very hard over Krushna Abhishek's jokes on The Kapil Sharma Show. Despite a break, Krushna didn't come out of his character …
Kapil Sharma has shared a behind-the-scenes video from The Kapil Sharma Show, which shows him and his co-star Krushna Abhishek cracking a joke on Archana Puran Singh and Navjot Singh Sidhu. Kapil, dressed as Sidhu in a silk kurta-pyjama and a turban, comes looking for Sapna and asks her if she can deliver a message to Archana. A surprised Sapna …
After Sunil Grover's new show Kanpur Wale Khuranas failed to impress the viewers and was tagged as the sad version of TKSS, all hopes are pinned on the latest season of The Kapil Sharma Show, which is all set to premiere on December 29 on Sony TV. The first episode teaser of the show is already out and it shows …