The Kapil Sharma Show sees yet another exit as its regular cast member Sidharth Sagar has reportedly decided to quit the show. Sidharth Sagar has entertained the viewers with his different characters on The Kapil Sharma Show like Selfie Mausi, Ustaad Gharchordas, Funveer Singh and Sagar Pagletu. Previously, Krushna Abhishek opted out of The Kapil Sharma Show. Krushna reportedly decided …
Days after Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja called Krushna Abhishek’s wife Kashmera Shah a bad daughter in law, the latter has responded by calling the former a bad mother in law. “Had a work trip to the States so just got back and am reading about “people” washing their hands off on Our family feud. I replied “One that Got A …
Fans of The Kapil Sharma Show terribly missed watching Sunil Grover’s histrionics as Gutthi, Rinku Bhabhi and Dr Mashoor Gulati after his infamous fight with Kapil. Krushna says he has been getting compliments for his good work, adding Grover's characters are not missed anymore. Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover “You won't believe it but no one has compared Sapna to …