Arti Singh has finally opened up about her brother, Krushna Abhishek’s fight with ‘mama’ Govinda. In a recent interview, Arti expressed happiness that the Bollywood superstar attended her wedding earlier this year and revealed that she was never involved in their fight. While everyone was unsure about Govinda attending Arti’s wedding especially after he skipped the TV star’s Haldi, Sangeet …
In a surprising turn of events, actor-comedian Krushna Abhishek tagged his uncle-actor Govinda for the first time amid their seven-year-long family feud. Krushna Abhishek on ending feud with uncle Govinda From Abhishek accusing Govinda of not visiting his children in the hospital, to Govinda labelling his nephew as a liar, their public spats have kept the media abuzz over the …