Tamil actor Vijay, who has been around for over two decades, is currently at the pinnacle of his career with an unprecedented fan base and a slew of blockbuster films to his credit. In the last decade, Vijay had 15 releases and out of which as many as nine films grossed over ₹100 crore at the box-office. Atlee directed …
Tamil actor Vijay, who has been working for over two decades, is currently at the biggest high of his career so far with an unprecedented fan base and a slew of blockbuster films to his credit. Bigil Atlee’s Bigil, a sports drama featuring Vijay in dual roles, released last year to thundering response at the box-office. India, the film went …
Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil continues to set the cash registers ringing at the box office worldwide as it nears the second week of theatrical run on Thursday. Vijay is now the first Tamil actor to score three back to back century grossers in TN and is also the first Tamil actor to achieve three consecutive double century grossers worldwide. While Bigil …
Filmmaker Atlee, who is basking in the success of Bigil, attended the birthday bash of Shah Rukh Khan along with his wife. Atlee and his wife Priya were among the selected guests who were invited for Shah Rukh’s birthday party. Atlee with his wife at Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday. Rumours suggest Atlee and Shah Rukh are most likely to join …
Having top-billed stars like Thalapathy Vijay and Lady Superstar Nayanthara together in a film is one solid reason to pull in audiences to the theatres. Set to hit screens on 25 October worldwide, Firstpost talks to the project’s technical team to discuss how the Vijay, Nayanthara-starrer became the most anticipated sports movie of 2019. We had to even do away …