Telly viewers' favourite daily soap Naagin 3 is coming to end months after it went on air on Colors channel. For the last episode, ex-Naagin Mouni Roy will be returning to the show with her former co-stars Arjun Bijlani and Karanvir Bohra. Ex-Bigg Boss contestant Karanvir Bohra shared the pictures and videos from Naagin 3 set but he soon deleted …
Naagin 3 actress Surbhi Jyoti has been ruling the headlines these days for her alleged relationship with co-actor Pearl Puri. But today, Surbhi Jyoti has caught attention of all for a different reason, the actress indulged in a verbal fight with ex-Bigg Boss contestant Arshi Khan at the Box Cricket League season 4. A video is going viral on the …