Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s 2018 film Stree set new standards for horror comedies in Bollywood. After Tamannaah Bhatia’s sultry moves in the soothing Aaj Ki Raat, makers have now dropped the second track titled Aayi Nai. Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in Stree 2 song Aayi Nai Shraddha and Rajkummar with Abhishek and Aparshakti in Stree 2 song Aayi …
The Supreme Court on Tuesday interacted with Patanjali Ayurved's Managing Director Acharya Balakrishna and its co-founder Baba Ramdev in the contempt proceedings initiated against them over the publication of misleading medical The bench of Justices Hima Kohli and Ahsanuddin Amanullah questioned them about the press conferences and “Hum iske bare mein sochengey. Interaction Between Proposed Contemnors And The Court At …
While Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's Brahmastra is going strong at the box office, social media users who have already watched the film have been discussing its eccentricities at length. After several users made note of how Isha's entire life revolves around Ranbir's Shiva, an Instagram user raised crucial questions about Isha's family in the film. Karan Sareen, a content …
A video featuring Radio Mirchi RJ Sayema is doing rounds on the internet in which she was seen normalising anti-Hindu bigotry by legitimising the usage of radical Islamic terms as ‘Kafir’ and ‘Jihad’. In a video, titled ‘Urdu Ki Paathshala’, the self-proclaimed Urdu expert RJ Sayema explains the ‘real meaning’ of Islamic concepts of ‘Kafir’ and ‘Jihad’. RJ Sayema’s videos …