Ajith’s latest release Nerkonda Paarvai has opened to packed houses in Chennai city. Nerkonda Paarvai box office collection day 1: The remake of Hindi film Pink has earned ₹ 1.58 cr in Chennai. Tweeting about the film, Kaushik wrote: “Breaking : #Thala #Ajith’s #NerKondaPaarvai Day1 Chennai city gross is a humongous 1.58 CR. Normal working Thursday release - 2019’s best …
Boney Kapoor's production Nerkonda Paarvai, which is a remake of the Bollywood film Pink, hit the screens this week and has opened to rave reviews. For Boney, Nerkonda Paarvai was an ode to his wife, legendary actress Sridevi, as it was his first South production. Keeping Ajith’s image in mind, Vinoth has included a few more things without ruining the …
Nerkonda Paarvai starring Ajith is one of the biggest releases in Kollywood this year. Also starring Shraddha Srinath, Abhirami Venkatachalam and Andrea Tariang, the film which is directed by H Vinoth, is bankrolled by Boney Kapoor's Bay View Productions. Ahead of the film's grand release on August 8, the makers organised a premiere show in Singapore and screened the film …
Ajith's upcoming flick, Nerkonda Paarvai is all set to release in a record number of screens on August 8. The film, directed by H Vinoth, also marks producer Boney Kapoor's debut production venture in Kollywood. After the screening, there was a Q & A session, where Boney Kapoor opened up about his second film with Ajith, which is tentatively titled …
Producer Boney Kapoor, whose maiden Tamil production venture Nerkonda Paarvai debuted in Singapore on Tuesday, says he has managed to fulfil his late wife and veteran actress Sridevi's dream. The filmmaker on Tuesday morning, tweeted, "I am truly blessed 9 am IST today Premiere Show of 'Nerkonda Paarvai' will start in Singapore. I have managed to fullfil my wife Sridevi …