Asian Games champion Rahi Sarnobat, demolished a finals field which included reigning Olympic Champion Anna Korakaki of Greece, to strike gold in the Women’s 25M Pistol, giving India her first yellow metal of the on going International Shooting Sport Federation World Cup Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun stage in the Croatian city of Osijek. The Indian ace shot 39 hits out of a possible …
A source in the National Rifle Association of India said that the coaching staff will constitute only 30 percent of the whole squad in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. New Delhi: Rifle coach Oleg Mikhailov and pistol coach Pavel Smirnov will be the only instructors staying with Indian shooters for the entire duration of Tokyo Olympics, with the others serving the …
Rifle coach Oleg Mikhailov and pistol coach Pavel Smirnov will be the only instructors staying with Indian shooters for the entire duration of the Tokyo Olympics, with the others serving the team in turns as per a ruling necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. READ| Tejaswini tops MQS round in 50M rifle prone event at Euro Championships "So for India's 15 …