'Ghoomer', a film that celebrates the achievements of specially-abled sportsmen who have conquered their adversities, was announced on Wednesday. The film directed by R. Balki stars Abhishek Bachchan, with whom Balki has earlier worked in 'Paa' and for the memorable mobile network The film is said to be inspired by the incredible achievement of Karoly Takacs, a Hungarian right hand …
With its new release date, Bhangra Paa Le will clash with Sab Kushal Mangal at the box office Bhangra Paa Le, starring Sunny Kaushal and Rukhsar Dhillon in the lead, has received a fresh release day. Earlier slated for 1 November, the dance drama will now hit the screens on 3 January, clashing with Sab Kushal Mangal at the box …