The Telugu adaptation of Ajay Devgn-starrer blockbuster film Raid will be shot in Lucknow where the original film was also shot. To be helmed by director and screenwriter Harish Shankar, the regional version of the film Mr Bachchan: Naam To Suna Hoga will have Telugu star Ravi Teja paired opposite Bhagyashri Bhorse. Ravi Teja will shoot in Lucknow “I am …
A century of dreams ebb and flow through Italian filmmaker Pietro Marcello's arthouse breakthrough Martin Eden, an expansive, gently fabulist reworking of Jack London's 1909 novel about an uneducated sailor who embarks on a transformative quest to become a famed writer – and fatally succeeds. This archival material is woven into the more traditional coming-of-age narrative, alongside meticulously fabricated moments …
Dance has long had the power to transform moments in the cinema, and not just in musicals: think of the teenagers shaking off their detention blues in The Breakfast Club; the way Rosie Perez seemed to ripple with every tense beat during the intro of Do the Right Thing; or Denis Lavant moving with frenzied abandon at the end of …
"Lazzaro … Lazzaro …" is the familiar refrain among the farmhands of rural Italy, in Alice Rohrwacher's fable-like film, winner of Best Screenplay at Cannes 2018. In the impoverished farming estate of Inviolata, where Happy as Lazzaro takes place, our protagonist's fairy-tale-ready purity of character makes him ripe for exploitation. The moments of surrealism that then arise in Happy as …
The Paraguayan drama The Heiresses is a moving, atmospheric and wry film about elites fallen on hard times, but it's also a gentle portrait of queer identity in a conservative society. There's a touch of the Bouvier Beale sisters about her, the former New York socialites captured so disarmingly by master documentarians Albert and David Maysles in their film Grey …