An MP cadre IPS officer Simala Prasad will play the lead role in the upcoming film - The Narmada Story -- starring Raghubir, and Mukesh Tiwari. The Narmada Story movie is based on true events with Raghubir Yadav, Mukesh Tiwari, and Anjali Patil in important roles. Simala Prasad is playing the role of investigating officer in The Narmada Story. Speaking …
Soni Razdan, who is gearing up for her upcoming flick, Pippa, is one of the most prominent veteran actresses in the industry. During a recent media interaction, the actress said, "So looking forward to working with Harish Vyas Ji who makes such wonderfully pertinent and sensitive slice-of-life films. The comedy-drama will also star actor Anshuman Jha, playing Soni's son. Meanwhile, …
Actress Rhea Chakraborty took to Instagram stories to share a hopeful note amid the COVID 19 crisis. "It fills my heart to see how we are standing together in this crisis that will go down in history, but what really will go down in history is that the human race was divided, but in the face of adversity they united …
Over 500 people have fallen sick in different parts of east Delhi after eating food prepared with buckwheat flour, officials said on Wednesday. They complained of uneasiness, stomach ache and vomiting after they ate food prepared using 'kuttu' flour to break their 'Navratri' fast on Tuesday, a senior East Delhi district official said. A case under sections 273, 284 and …
A 19-year-old man was attacked with a knife in West Delhi's Rajouri Garden area over a petty issue, police said on Monday. According to police, around 9 pm on Saturday, Aman, a resident of Raghubir Nagar, and his friend were assaulted by the three juveniles. One of the juveniles used a knife to attack the victim, police said, adding the …