Internet singing sensation Ranu Mondal's daughter Elizabeth Sathi Roy has hit back at netizens who have been attacking her mother with trolls and memes on social media lately.Recently, a photo, which projected Ranu as wearing extremely loud make-up, went viral, drawing social media memes and trolls. I think people are offended with her for behaving that way, because it is …
Internet sensation Ranu Mondal trended furiously over the weekend after her picture in which she was dressed in elaborate jewellery and make-up went viral on social media. If "Dil pe patthar rakhke muh pe makeup jar liya" had a face.#ranumondal #RanuMandal Dabbu Sharma November 17, 2019 Ranu mondal:- Happy post Halloween celebration. sanskaari_memer November 16, 2019 oscar award …
The Narendra Modi government has plans to honour legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar with the "Daughter of the Nation" title when she turns 90 on September 28. Mangeshkar will be conferred the title as a tribute to her contribution to Indian film music over seven decades. Honouring her is to honour the daughter of the nation and that's what we …
Melody queen Lata Mangeskhar's reaction to Ranu Mondal, stating that the internet sensation should "be original", has disappointed many fans and social media users, who feel the legendary singer could have been "more gracious". A user "disagreed" with Mangeshkar and called her "a bit harsh", while another said that this could have been taken in "true spirits by a senior …
Melody queen Lata Mangeshkar's reaction to Ranu Mondal, stating that the internet sensation should ‘be original’, has disappointed many fans and social media users, who feel the legendary singer could have been ‘more gracious’. A user even ‘disagreed’ with the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar and called her ‘a bit harsh’, while another said that this could have been taken in …