Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday asked the officials concerned to increase Covid testing in the state and set up dedicated isolation wards in medical colleges and district hospitals and ensure proper cleanliness to control communicable diseases. Chairing a high-level review meeting here, Yogi said, “There is a need to increase testing even as Covid-19 remains in effective …
Chandrashekhar Azad Ravan ‘Ravan’ of Azad Samaj Party has lost his deposit in Gorakhpur Urban assembly constituency of Uttar Pradesh where he contested against the incumbent CM Yogi Adityanath of BJP. Bhim Army Chief Chandrashekhar Azad ‘Ravan’ had grabbed attention by announcing that he would contest against CM Yogi Aditynath from this seat. Yogi Adityanath got 1,64,290 votes, securing almost …
Ravan is pugnacious and confrontational, even as he assiduously sticks to the Dalit rhetoric and a familiar script For decades, Indian politicians portrayed austerity and abstemiousness in public. Sample Chandrashekhar Azad’s description on Wikipedia: “He has established himself as Dalit icon and he is known for his style. And why is he contesting from the Gorakhpur Urban seat pitting him …
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday speaking at an event has justified his government’s decision to restore the name of Prayagraj from Allahabad and slammed the detractors for questioning the decision. The Uttar Pradesh government had recently changed the name of Allahabad to its historic name ‘Prayagraj’. Speaking at the Gyan Kumbh Sammelan at Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Yoga …