Kannada superstar Yash has confirmed his role as Ravan in the upcoming magnum opus Ramayana. The film, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, also stars Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram and Sai Pallavi as Sita. The film's production company, Monster Mind Creations and Prime Focus India, is yet to announce the cast and crew.
Ramanand Sagar's epic saga Ramayan is still one of the most loved TV shows on Indian television. Now, Ramanand's son Prem Sagar is working on the revamp of the epic saga. In a conversation with ETimes TV, Prem Sagar revealed plans to announce the new show and other related details including the actor who will be playing Lord Ram. You …
The actor has voiced the character of Raavan in ‘Ravan Rising’ which is an Audible Original podcast series. He also spoke about his upcoming film on Amazon Prime Video Pippa- description meta and slug Ishaan Khatter has been making some very interesting choices as an actor right from his debut Beyond The Clouds. About the audio project The series showcases …
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan courted another controversy recently after he revealed that the makers of his upcoming movie ‘Adipurush’ have decided to show ‘Ravan’ as humanely as possible. Speaking to Mumbai Mirror on his upcoming project ‘Adipurush’, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan said he was quite excited to play the role of ‘Ravan’ in the upcoming historical drama. Saif …