Gujarat Assembly election: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday hit back at Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge over his ‘100-head Ravan remark’. On this land of ‘Rambhakts’, they were asked to say, "Modi ji 100 maatha wala Ravan",” said PM Modi while addressing a poll rally in Kalol, Panchmahal. Addressing a poll rally in Kalol town of Panchmahal district in Gujarat …
Saif Ali Khan and Prabhas' Adipurush is one of the most anticipated films. MUKESH KHANNA SLAMS ADIPURUSH TEASER Mukesh Khanna shared a video on his YouTube channel named Bheeshm International where he shares his displeasure against Adipurush. He said, "Saif Ali Khan had proudly shared that 'I'm doing Raavan's role and I'm going to make this character humorous.' The Shaktimaan …
Union minister Narayan Rane on Saturday attacked the Shiv Sena amid the Hanuman Chalisa row and said Shiv Sena can go to anyone, any party that offers them the chief minister post, taking a dig at Shiv Sena walking out of its alliance with the BJP to form the government in the state with the Congress and the Nationalist Congress …