Aamir Khan’s sister Nikhat Khan will be seen making her debut in Bollywood alongside Bhumi Pednekar and Taapsee Pannu in Saand Ki Aankh. Her character has some really important sequences.” The source even added, “Along with the character of the shooter dadis, there are several roles that are integral to the film’s plotline. One will be essayed by Aamir Khan’s …
Aamir Khan’s sister Nikhat Khan will make her Bollywood debut with Saand Ki Aankh that sees Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar playing double their age on screen for the first time. Aamir Khan’s sister Nikhat Khan to be seen in Saand Ki Aankh. One will be essayed by Aamir Khan’s sister Nikhat Khan. This will be her debut in films …