Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu has made it to the cover of film magazine Filmfare and sharing the picture of the latest cover of the magazine, Taapsee wrote on Instagram that she could have done it only by winning an award. #Filmfare #filmfareaward.” Taapsee won the Filmfare Critics’ Choice Award for Best Actor, for her performance in Saand Ki Aankh. Tushar …
After her 2018 film Soorma, Taapsee Pannu is back with her athletic charm in her upcoming sports drama Rashmi Rocket. The first motion poster of Taapsee's look in Rashmi Rocket has been unveiled on social media and it is already generating curiousity among her fans. taapsee pannu August 29, 2019 Taapsee's character transforming from a village girl to a …