Meghana Raj is a mother to a six-month-old son and she's learning as days pass by. MEGHANA SHARES SAMEERA REDDY'S VIDEO Meghana Raj on Thursday took to Instagram stories to share Sameera Reddy's Q & A session with Dr Nihar Parekh. Sharing Sameera's video, she wrote, "I remember panicking every single moment when my son was tested positive.and he was …
Shravan Kumar Rathod, of the popular composer duo Nadeem-Shravan, is critically ill and in hospital. "With folded hands I am requesting all our friends and fans around the world to pray for the speedy recovery of my partner Shravan who at the moment is in a critical condition in a Mumbai hospital," he said. The frequent collaborations with Kumar Sanu …
She posted a black-and-white picture of her kids and captioned it, "Lots of people asking me about Hans and Nyra so here is the update." She shared that Hans experiences high fevers, headache, and severe fatigue that lasted for 4 days, after which they had him tested and the results came back positive. "I have to admit initially I did …
The second wave of coronavirus in India is seeing many celebrities testing positive for the novel coronavirus. On Sunday, Sameera Reddy took to Instagram stories to share that her family has tested positive for Covid but her mother-in-law, also known as Sassy Saasu on Instagram, is living separately and is safe. SAMEERA SHARES UPDATES ABOUT KIDS HANS AND NYRA In …
Ever since the second wave of COVID-19 has hit the nation, a lot of people including various Bollywood actors have tested positive for the virus. Taking to Instagram, Sameera also revealed that she is currently in-home quarantine and is taking necessary precautions. Have a look at her post here: Image Source : INSTAGRAM/SAMEERAREDDY Sameera Reddy's Instagram post Meanwhile, actors Arjun …