Actor Keerthy Suresh, who was seen in Netflix’s Miss India last November, on Sunday took to Instagram to post an adorable picture with her dog Nyke. She captioned her post: “Picture perfect Sunday.” On the career-front, Keerthy Suresh will soon commence work on the upcoming Tamil thriller, Saani Kaayidham. Keerthy also has Tamil film Annaatthe with Rajinikanth and Sarkaru Vaari …
Superstar Mahesh Babu, who had begun shooting for the second schedule of Sarkaru Vaari Paata, took to Instagram to wish his mother Indira Devi a very happy birthday. MAHESH BABU’S SPECIAL WISH FOR HIS MOTHER ON HER BIRTHDAY Sharing a picture of him and his mother holding each other’s hands, Mahesh Babu wrote, “Happy birthday Amma. Grateful for you everyday.” …