Police on Monday arrested two accused for brutally stabbing a woman in Pirpainti Market in Bihar's Bhagalpur district on Saturday. Bhagalpur Senior Superintendent of Police Babu Ram said that Mohd Shakil, who had allegedly attacked the woman on Friday, leading to her death a day later, has been caught. According to media reports, the accused chopped off woman's breasts, hands …
Highlights Kartik Kumar was given the law portfolio earlier in the month His alleged involvement in a criminal case had sparked a row in the recent past The notification regarding the same was issued by the state Cabinet Secretariat Department Bihar: In a significant development, RJD’s Kartik Kumar, who was given the law portfolio earlier in the month, was shifted …
In a major reshuffle of the top brass of the police, the Election Commission on Saturday removed Additional Director General of Police Jawed Shamim and brought in Jag Mohan in his place. Besides being the Director General Fire Services, Shamim will also hold the charge of DG Civil Defence till further notice, the chief electoral officer of the state said …