The Jal Shakti Ministry’s National Mission for Clean Ganga cleared eight projects worth ₹638 crore on Tuesday. This clean-up comprises four projects, worth ₹407.39 crore, approved for pollution abatement in Shamli district, Uttar Pradesh. The four projects in Shamli district are: the construction of a 5 million litres per day sewage treatment plant, 5 KLD septage co-treatment facility, interception & …
The executive committee of the National Mission for Clean Ganga has approved 14 projects worth ₹1,145 crore pertaining to sewerage management, curbing industrial pollution, and biodiversity conservation among others, a statement said on Saturday. The projects include eight related to sewerage management in five main stem Ganga basin states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal, the statement …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate six mega projects in Uttarakhand under the ‘Namami Gange Mission’ on Tuesday through a videoconference. The Prime Minister’s Office said on Monday that the projects include construction of a 68 MLD sewage treatment plant, upgradation of the existing 27 MLD STP at Jagjeetpur in Haridwar and construction of an 18 MLD STP at Sarai …
After India Today TV's fact check report "X Factor-Unquiet Ganga", the government has claimed that ongoing work to clean the river continues at a fast pace and many projects have been completed and are undergoing trial run while more have been sanctioned. India Today TV utilised data from NMCG website and reported 63 sewerage projects have been setup along the …