NCW asked DGP to ‘personally intervene’ into the probe regarding Vinta Nanda’s case against Alok Nath and report the actions taken to NCW within 15 days The National Commission for Women has asked Maharashtra’s Director General of Police to look into the complaint filed by writer-director Vinta Nanda against actor Alok Nath for allegedly sexually abusing her. NCW asked the …
Vinta Nanda had earlier filed a case against Nath at the Oshiwara police station and also with the Maharashtra State Commission for Women. Writer-cum-producer Vinta Nanda, who had come out with her sexual harassment account against Alok Nath, has now approached the National Commission for Women and filed an online complaint, reports the Times of India. Nanda had earlier filed …
Writer-producer Vinta Nanda, who had accused actor Alok Nath of sexual misconduct, has now approached the National Commission for Women. Advocate Dhruti Kapadia, who has been helping Nanda in the case said, "We had drafted the entire complaint which is basically based on what Vinta had put out first in her social media post. Nanda had gone to Oshiwara police …