Soon after the launch of its flagship X200 series, Vivo has launched another phone in the country, this time in the budget segment. The new device, Vivo Y29 5G, is available at a starting price of under ₹15,000 and comes with an HD+ display, 5,500mAh battery, MediaTek processor and 50MP camera. Vivo Y29 specifications: Vivo Y29 5G features a 6.68-inch …
The Vivo X200 is the latest flagship by Vivo in India, offering a top-end camera system. OnePlus 13 vs Vivo X200: Performance Starting with the Vivo X200, it is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9400 chipset, which is the current flagship by MediaTek and is based on TSMC’s 3nm architecture. OnePlus 13 vs Vivo X200: Camera Coming to the optics, …