Actor Krishna Mukherjee, best known for playing Aliya on television show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, has tied the knot with cruise ship deck officer Chirag Batliwalla in a traditional Bengali wedding ceremony in Goa. Sharing the pictures, Krishna wrote, “And the Bengali girl tied the knot for life with the Parsi Sailor. May your life be filled with happiness.” Rakshanda Khan …
TV show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein is one of the longest running daily soaps right now. It's obvious that the star cast including Divyanka Tripathi, Karan Patel, Anita Hassanandani, Aly Goni and others must have grown close to each other having worked with each other for such a long time. Recently, Divyanka, Aly Goni, Aditi Bhatia, Krishna Mukherjee and Shireen Mirza …