Author-sommelier Magandeep Singh says we must stop with the marathons and diet fads like keto and intermittent fasting
5 years, 3 months ago

Author-sommelier Magandeep Singh says we must stop with the marathons and diet fads like keto and intermittent fasting

The Hindu  

There is a time and place for everything, but never one for resolutions. I always thought that dying of hunger would be a cheap way to go but IF is one lame marketing gimmick; it makes you lean like being hit by a truck full of books makes you wise. Seven Summits: The 1858 Geosphere by Montblanc is an exquisite tribute to those who’ve scaled the seven summits, something best left to the experts. World Major Marathons: You know the best part about running 42.2 kms — there’s none. Just eat a balanced diet, don’t be a couch potato, and learn to keep your mouth shut around friends, alcohol and the New Year’s Eve: the rest will take care of itself.

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