How I stopped worrying and returned to a life of fitness
3 years, 6 months ago

How I stopped worrying and returned to a life of fitness

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Have you ever spent months away from your normal fitness routine before deciding to return? Well, these questions went through my head when I decided to return to working out after two and a half months away, due to a freak injury. As an excellent article by one of Lounge’s fitness writers, Pulasta Dhar, points out, the human body’s hormonal profile is at its peak in the morning, which makes it the best time to burn fat and build muscle. An hour and a half of warmup, workout and cooldown, followed by a hearty breakfast is a wonderful routine that I’d advise everyone to adopt. When I was working out, I had a full workout split in place for the entire week, taking in separate training days for shoulders, arms, chest, legs and cardio.

History of this topic

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