It has been the model of healthy eating since the 1980s - but is the food pyramid actually making you SICK (and fat)? Our leading experts weigh in...
Daily MailExperts are saying the decades-old Australian model for healthy eating is past its used-by date - and could even be damaging your health. Nutritionist Lee Holmes thinks the current dietary guidelines aren't useful for many Australians who suffer from food allergies and can sometimes not consume a whole category such as dairy Susie Burrell, also a leading nutritionist, thinks the current model allows for a lot of processed foods and doesn't make the important distinction between refined and unrefined foods People who are lactose intolerant, coeliac or have certain allergies are unable to eat entire sections of the so called 'healthy' plate. Professor Rebecca Golley, a research leader in public health nutrition, says the Australian eating plan is quite economical, noting that it is cheaper to follow the guidelines than to follow an alternative diet 3. It doesn't distinguish between whole and refined foods Ms Holmes said the official recommended Australian diet should take into account whether foods are refined or unrefined because high amounts of processed food can be hazardous to health. It doesn't distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fats Ms Holmes also said the guidelines fail to distinguish between good fats, such as avocados and nuts, and unhealthy trans fats found in ultra-processed foods.
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Why you still need to eat healthy foods — even if you aren't overweight
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