Why you need to do lunges for stronger legs and butt
Live MintThere are just so many of them: side lunges and curtsy lunges, step-up lunges and lunge walks. Curtsy lunges: This is my favourite lunge because it is just the right amount of challenging, fixes the gait, and hits a small muscle called the gluteus medius, which can otherwise get ignored in the hustle-bustle of a conventional leg workout. Here’s a proper guide to learning how to do a jumping lunge: Lateral side lunges: Simple, precise, and extremely important, the side lunge will move the body in the frontal plane, just like the curtsy lunge would move it in the transverse plane. The video below gives you tips to get it right, which also include keeping the toes pointed forward rather than out when performing it: Step-up and reverse lunge combos: We’ve gone across the body, up in the air, and side to side. The step-up is an exercise in itself, in which you carefully step up onto a bench or a box, but adding a reverse lunge immediately after you get off is where the magic happens: A catalystathletics.com article calls the combo “a great exercise for covering several bases of lower body accessory work without adding more training time.
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