Unlock your glutes: 3 essential exercises for a stronger butt
Live MintThere is always a starting point in a fitness goal. “As mentioned by leading researchers, there is a biodynamic relationship between low back pain, the hip joint, and hip muscles, and when applying an exercise program for low back pain treatment to chronic low back pain patients, stability of the pelvis and hip joints and strengthening of the hip muscles are important," states a study titled, The Effects Of Gluteus Muscle Strengthening Exercise And Lumbar Stabilization Exercise On Lumbar Muscle Strength And Balance In Chronic Low Back Pain Patients. Published in The Journal Of Physical Therapy Science, it also adds that the study conducted experiments on “chronic low back pain patients in their 30s to 50". In simple terms, this exercise is lowering the legs and bringing them up to the point where the glutes and lower back contract to give you the right kind of squeeze. As the Floor Reverse Hyperextension has a very short range of motion, we recommend training for 12-20 reps per set," states an article on the fitness site The Fitting Rooms titled Reverse Hypers: A Great Exercise You’re Not Doing!
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