Just how hard is it to avoid ultra-processed foods? The Mail's Deputy Health Editor tries to buy groceries with fewer than five ingredients... and is startled that SALADS and chicken contain dozens of
1 year ago

Just how hard is it to avoid ultra-processed foods? The Mail's Deputy Health Editor tries to buy groceries with fewer than five ingredients... and is startled that SALADS and chicken contain dozens of

Daily Mail  

I was shocked to find out my 'healthy' diet actually contains numerous UPFs Turns out, it was way harder to avoid processed foods than I thought A startling study this week found ultra-processed foods are linked to 32 diseases that effect every major organ in the body. A lot of my dinners consist of chicken and vegetables, but the marinated chicken I like to eat had too long of an ingredient list to name I had to swap my usual marinated chicken for one that was more expensive and required extra work to make Not all 'healthy' foods are created equal. The brown sugar oatmeal I like for breakfast had more than five ingredients in it, compared to the natural rolled oats product, which only had one This ready-rice had a long list of ingredients, including some that I had never heard of and couldn't pronounce I thought I was choosing a healthier alternative to fried chips, but one of my favorite snacks could be classified as an UPF MID-DAY MUNCHIES AND A HOME-COOKED DINNER When it comes to snacking in between meals, I like popcorn or non-fried chip alternatives. It is much more expensive to buy produce on its own and make a salad from home than it is buy a pre-made one, which is considered a UPF During my most recent shopping trip, I spent $77.15 while trying to avoid UPFs I was shocked it cost twice more per day and nearly twice more per week to eat healthy foods that are good for my nutrition and body If parents are looking to feed a family without UPFs, that cost can be prohibitively expensive.

History of this topic

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