kate moss rang in her daughter Lila's 22nd birthday during Paris Fashion Week on Sunday, with the duo seen departing the Ritz Hotel. Kate Moss rang in her daughter Lila's 22nd birthday during Paris Fashion Week on Sunday, with the duo seen departing the Ritz Hotel Lila opted for an all-black ensemble, choosing to wear a leather trench coat, with …
Lila Moss brought her fashion marketer boyfriend Yoni Helbitz to Paris on Tuesday, to celebrate her mother's 50th birthday. Lila Moss brought her fashion marketer boyfriend Yoni Helbitz to Paris on Tuesday, to celebrate her mother's 50th birthday The daughter of fashion icon Kate Moss, 21, looked glamorous in a sleek lace black slip-on dress that flowed across the top …
Lila Moss showcased her effortlessly chic sense of style as she stepped out to Paris's Laurent restaurant for her mother's 50th birthday on Tuesday. The daughter of fashion icon Kate Moss, 21, who was accompanied to the glitzy affair with her fashion marketer boyfriend Yoni Helbitz, kept it classic with a sleek lace black slip-on dress that flowed across the …
kate moss is hosting a star-studded party at the Ritz in Paris to celebrate turning 50 with Rita Ora and Sadie Frost on the guest list, MailOnline can reveal. Kate Moss is hosting a star-studded party at the Ritz in Paris to celebrate turning 50 with Rita Ora and Sadie Frost on the guest list, MailOnline can reveal It's believed …