The company is also rumoured to launch an LG Watch W7 smartwatch alongside the smartphone. Now according to the report in PC World, the V40 might introduce a new feature called “Cine Shot”. To access this feature you first need to go in the camera in the camera app, then once you are in the camera app, select ‘Mode’ and …
LG had made an announcement that the company will be launching the V40 ThinQ on 3rd October at an event in New York. The image shows the phone with a dual front camera and a triple rear camera at the back, along with the fingerprint sensor. Image Source : TWITTER/EVLEAKS LG V40 ThinQ with triple rear cameras renders before October …
LG will be launching the new LG V40 ThinQ next month. The clip doesn't really confirm anything about the V40 ThinQ, but rumours have it that the new V40 ThinQ flagship could come with a triple camera set up at the back, along with a dual set up in the front. Rumour on the V40 ThinQ has been buzzing for …