LG launches a new smartwatch alongside LG V40 ThinQ smartphone called the LG Watch W7. The LG Watch W7 is the company's first hybrid smartwatch that comes combined with mechanical movement with digital functionalities that lets it blend in the LCD along with a pair of mechanical hands. Also, read: Samsung Galaxy Watch launched in India at Rs 24,990, starting …
LG has gone and officially launched the LG V40 ThinQ at an event in New York on Wednesday. The LG V40 ThinQ is a successor to the LG V30 and happens to be LG's first phone with a triple rear camera and a dual front camera setup. LG V40 ThinQ specifications and Features The LG V40 ThinQ specs include a …
Earlier this year, LG unveiled its V35 ThinQ smartphone. LG V40 ThinQ is one of the few smartphones in the market, besides Huawei P20 Pro and Samsung Galaxy A7, to offer a triple rear camera setup. Internal storage: Unlike the RAM, the LG V40 ThinQ ships in two memory variants-- one with 64GB internal storage and the other with 128GB …
LG is all set to launch its new flagship, the LG V40 ThinQ release date is marked on 3rd October. So far the LG V40 ThinQ has been teased various times in videos, but its hard to tell what specs, the phone would carry. The LG V40 ThinQ camera leaks point to a three sensor set up at the back …