The LG V50 is said to be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 855 SoC and 4,000 mAh battery LG is reportedly joining the 5G bandwagon at MWC 2019, with the launch of the purported LG V50 ThinQ 5G. As per report by ETNews, LG has will be unveiling it’s first 5G handset under the V-series, along with G8 ThinQ. As for …
The LG G7 ThinQ was quite a refreshing, feature-packed budget flagship that competed against the likes of OnePlus and Asus in India. The words “Goodbye Touch” could mean that LG is working on a model which works using a touchless gesture interface. The LG G8 ThinQ can reportedly recognise hand gestures from nearly 11-inches away using a sensor on the …
For past couple of years, smartphone makers have moved away from the trend of introducing their high-end flagship devices at the Mobile World Congress, opting for individual launch events instead. According to a report by Android Authority, the Korean electronics giant is reportedly planning to launch the LG G7 ThinQ successor, which we reviewed last year, at the MWC 2019 …
The Watch W7 reportedly has a hybrid design that combines the best of Wear OS with a mechanical clock. LG has begun teasing its latest flagship, the V40 ThinQ before it is officially unveiled on 3 October, but there could be more surprises in store as a report now suggests that the company might unveil the LG Watch W7 as …