A “yoga pill” to end anxiety? Neuroscientists discover a brain circuit that instantly deflates stress
4 months ago

A “yoga pill” to end anxiety? Neuroscientists discover a brain circuit that instantly deflates stress

LA Times  

Your heart is racing, your arms are tingling and your breathing is shallow. Sung Han, senior author of the study, says he’d like to one day see a “yoga pill,” as he calls it, on the market to ease anxiety. That’s the aforementioned “circuit.” The discovery validates soothing behavioral practices such as yoga, mindfulness and even “box breathing” — the latter a technique that involves repeatedly breathing in, then holding your breath, for four-second counts in order to relieve stress — because it grounds these behavioral practices in science. “If you’re in panic, breathing techniques alone may not be sufficient to suppress anxiety,” Han says. “To target the slow breathing circuit, we need to understand the opposite circuit, so we can avoid targeting it,” Han says.

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