Push your dad to be stronger, fitter this Father's Day
India TV NewsIt has been a weary while but the memory is still etched in his mind like it was yesterday, the day when he held your tiny hands and helped you take your first steps. Image Source : TWITTER Encourage your dad to be fitter and stronger this Father's day * Push-ups: Start on your hands and knees. Keep your elbows slightly close to your body, this way the enhance is divided into all 3 working muscles- chest, shoulder and triceps and it's less taxing to the shoulder joint. Image Source : TWITTER Encourage your dad to be fitter and stronger this Father's day Karan Bharija, Founder of Zink Fitness Studio says that " Fitness stimulates and strengthens the body, but what is often overlooked is the positive impact it has on our mind and spirit. This simple five-minute exercise helps improve blood circulation in the body and helps relax and strengthen one's core muscles which have been impacted by a largely sedentary lifestyle, however, the most beneficial aspect of the "Suryanamaskar is the mental tranquillity it promotes through the fluid motions of the exercise.
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